I woke up this morning, and for the first time in over a year, didn’t have a tiny foot in my face.
Instead I woke up next to my wife. Both of us perplexed and confused.
Did Henry sleep the whole night in his crib?
My wife and I share our bed with our son. He’s going on 20 months and still nurses. This means every night at around 1 AM I hear his cries on the monitor, Mamma, Mamma. I roll out of bed, walk across the hall, gather the sleepy mess and bring him to our bed.
Some nights he goes right to sleep. Others he tosses and turns and kicks me in the face.
But not last night. He slept, soundly, on his own for the first time ever.
Is this the beginning of a new phase in his life?
I hope so, because I finally feel f*cking rested.
We all go through phases in our life
It’s hard to distinguish when your life changes. Sometimes it’s drastic and easy to spot like the death of a loved one or the start of a new job.
But some changes develop over time. They’re subtle, almost inconspicuous.
The way you dress.
The people you love.