Member-only story
I remember when people didn’t read my words
I remember joining Medium.
I remember writing my first story.
I remember receiving my first recommend (no surprise, it was SF Ali).
I remember when my stories were read by 3 people, if that.
I remember seeing a community of avid readers and writers working together to preserve knowledge and share stories in a unique way.
I remember first bumping into Todd Brison after reading his first (of many) popular stories.
I remember interacting with Jon Westenberg before he was “The” Jon Westenberg.
I remember Medium changing their logo (and not being happy about it, I’m cool now).
I remember Ezinne Ukoha’s writings challenging my hidden biases.
I remember the trolls, the nay sayers, and the Debbie Downers.
I remember the friends, the supporters, and the well-wishers.
I remember a lot because you’ve helped make this space on the internet worth my time and energy.
I’ll admit, overtime I have taken for granted the little things that make this Medium community special.
But today, I want to thank you for your attention. I want to thank you for being here. I want to thank you for being you.
(Today, I passed 7,000 readers and I am feeling grateful ❤)