Growing Up Means Disappointing More People

And it’s time to get comfortable with that fact

Declan Wilson
5 min readJul 15, 2016

I’m a people-pleaser. I wish I could go back in time to when I was a kid, unaware and easily forgiven for any inconveniences I imposed on other people.

I hated disappointing my parents, friends, teachers, and even random strangers. If I thought I was at fault for anything, I would instantly react to make amends.

But as I delve deeper and deeper into this strange place some call real life, I’ve noticed more and more how much I disappoint people.

And I’m totally okay with that.

I recently went on a family vacation, the perfect microcosm of real life: drama, limited resources, poor WiFi connection, etc. Like any family vacation there is bound to be small arguments and passive aggressiveness among the good times. Just like life (but with more sand).

I disappoint more people now because I have fewer priorities. My wife, my son, and the life we are building together. That’s it. Those are my priorities.

I used to have a lot more priorities. But as I breezed through my early twenties, I realized if everything is a priority then nothing is a priority (think about it).



Declan Wilson

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